A few days ago I upgrade my Linux mint, but now I see a red cross right in my Taskbar, what does that mean and what should I do to be able to upgrade again?
Hi Wil,
Please try to trigger the update directly from your terminal by executing the following command:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
Please paste the terminal output of the apt update command here.
Alternatively, start updated by executing the following command:
$ mintupdate
Does the issue also occurs to other users on the same system. Can you try create a new user and see if the issue still persists. This way we can narrow down the issue to either system-wide or per user basis.
If still no help. Please also paste here the output of the following command:
$ inxi -r
None of the commands helps to solve the problem, sorry.
Insufficient information provided! Please read How to reply paragraph.
This error showed up after Timeshift restoring to Linux Mint Mate 18.3 from 19.3.
You suggestion to “…triger the update directly from your terminal…”
worked for me.
Thank You !!!