Could you please help me with converting the tab separated file into comma separated file?
Here is an example data in the file:
2.78 6379.23 20473.08 29.49
2.8 6540.2 20805.36 30.07
2.82 6688.92 20717.76 30.6
2.82 6730.9 20943.7 31.07
2.83 6677.63 21064.86 32.04
2.83 6541 20431.82 31.39
2.85 6674.44 20479.49 31.29
2.81 6603.74 20059.77 31.28
2.82 6584.3 19631.27 31.07
2.84 6637.84 19998.77 31.45
2.85 6824.63 20902.49 31.84
2.88 7154.8 21584.46 32.3
2.88 7192.52 21460.41 32.27
2.88 7270.92 22247.99 32.28
2.88 7230.49 22449.7 32.47
2.88 7230.49 22449.7 32.47
Thank you for your help.