How to create an rpm package -

Rpm is both the package manager and the package format used by many linux distributions such as Fedora, Red Hat and CentOS, to manage and distribute software in binary form.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thanks for this guide, I was looking for a clear step by step guide to create rpm-packages and this might have hit the nail :slight_smile:
one thing i wondered however,
your example command: rpm --eval “${make_install}” don’t give any output to me; i guess you made a typo there and the $ needs to be a %
$rpm --eval “%{make_install}”
make install DESTDIR=/home/xxxxxxxxxx/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.x86_64

Hi @goldrnr!
I am glad you find the guide useful, and thank you for pointing out what indeed is a typo! I will fix it right away.