How To enable the EPEL Repository on RHEL 8 -

RHEL tends to contain a fairly limited set of packages. That's because of its strong focus on the enterprise. For developers using RHEL on their workstations or people looking for an elusive extra package, though, this can be somewhat troublesome. That's why the Fedora project created the EPEL. It's a repository for RHEL and CentOS that provides many common packages that aren't included in the default RHEL release.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Neither of the first 2 methods work.

Not Found
The requested URL /pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm was not found on this server.

For anyone searching for the EPEL 8 repository,

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 is officially released today. There is no EPEL repository published to support it yet. On the Fedora wiki page the release date is marked as 2019.06.01. This may or may not change.

I’d suggest patience, if I wouldn’t wait for this repository eagerly too :slightly_smiling_face: