How to Install a LAMP Server on Debian 9 Stretch Linux -

Murat Seyfi -> Nicolas Voulgaris

You can use :

sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/

Gandalf life -> Nicolas Voulgaris

ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/html/phpmyadmin
It creates a shortcut in /var/www/html.
There’s also an other solution : create an alias in /etc/apache2/site-available/000-default.conf
Is your php executed on your server ?


it doesn’t work…

Lubos Rendek Mod -> Redgard

Unless you can provide more information your comment is not helpful.

Eduardo Marwell -> Lubos Rendek

Others has provided more information and not been helped too.

Manually setting up LAMP stack on a Debian based server is quite a long and difficult process. You have to install the OS and then install each package. Then you have to configure web server as well. Instead of going through all the trouble it is better to use PaaS, like Cloudways for PHP MySQL hosting. This platform lets you launch PHP server in just one-click and install and configures OS and stack automatically. The servers are managed so you can save a lot of time.

Steps to Install LAMP in Ubuntu
Step 1: Install Apache.
Step 2: Install MySQL and Create a Database.
Step 3: Install PHP. Install PHP Modules (Optional)
Step 4: Restart Apache.
Step 5: Test PHP Processing on Web Server.

Rachel Gomez