How to install Chrome browser on CentOS Linux 7 -

To install Google Chrome Internet browser on your CentOS 7 Linux box first download the actual Chrome 64 bit .rpm (For Fedora/openSUSE) ) package from Google's website Locate your downloaded .rpm and use yum command to install it allong with all other prirequsites:
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


I get this error “can’t open google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm” on Centos 7. Ideas?

taco -> Komrad

Have you tried running as superuser (su or sudo)?

cjohnsomn -> Komrad

me too
Incomplete instructions…
Basically ‘cannot open…’ really means ‘cannot find’.
When the instruction say: “locate your downloaded .rpm” the implied next step is to make that location your current working directory. (So in my case I changed to the ‘Downloads’ directory - then ran the ‘yum localinstall…’ command (as sudo).