How to install Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver -

Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions. The reason being is it is trying extremely hard to be the most user-friendly non-geek Linux operating system out there. As you will soon see shortly, the Ubuntu installation process is straightforward and simple to follow.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Red Sage

I have used and installed multiple versions of Ubuntu since 2009. This tutorial does a very good job of explaining the wonderful experience I had grown to look forward to with each release. Unfortunately, this is not what happened this time. Instead, I end up with a weird set of errors that my research has shown first came up around eight years ago, but that I have personally never seen before now.

‘…probed a monitor but no|invalid EDID…’

Basically, the operating system kernel is polling a nonexistent monitor and gets stuck eternally and infinitely posting errors about it. Sure, I’m using an old off-brand monitor with VGA, but it worked fine with previous versions of Ubuntu on similar hardware to what I’m using now. The only workaround I’ve found is to use the parameter ‘nomodeset’ in GRUB at the command line when running from a LIVE USB Key. This doesn’t seem to work with the actual installation of the OS to my SSD though.

What’s really fun is that multiple pages have directed me to, “As a workaround, try disabling KMS.” Yet the place they direct me to for information to do that is always the same place…

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Ah, joy.

Mashkoor Qadir

how to logon on Ubuntu Desktop using active directory users?