How to retrieve and change partition's UUID Universally Unique Identifier on linux -

On some unix systems a hard drives partition is referred by to as Universally Unique Identifier( UUID ) instead of the location of the it relevant block device file for example like in /etc/fstab:
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


It’s even simpler to use “tune2fs /dev/sda1 -U random”, you won’t even need to install the uuid utility.


Great tutorial. I didn’t realize there were so many ways to look up the UUID.

I’ve found another that I like very much. I’m not sure if it was around when you wrote this tutorial. findmnt

When I need to find our where a particular filesystem is mounted in a particular place I do

if findmnt -n --evaluate --output=target UUID='6c670636-94b1-4434-95bc-353041cb2de5' | grep '/mnt/corsair_USB_Data'; then echo TRUE; else echo FALSE; fi

Of I can find the mount point first and save it for later use in the script

mount_point=$(findmnt -n --evaluate --output=target UUID='6c670636-94b1-4434-95bc-353041cb2de5')

This will output the mount point (if mounted) of a filesystem with UUID: 6c670636-94b1-4434-95bc-353041cb2de5

Then I just need to check that it is actually mounted, because if the filesystem wasn’t mounted $mount_point will be empty.

if [ $mount_point ]; the echo "MOUNTED"; else echo "NOT MOUNTED"; fi