How to upgrade Debian 8 Jessie to Debian 9 Stretch -


Add this to your procedure:

Note that the database binary data file formats are not backwards compatible, so once you have upgraded to MariaDB 10.1 you will not be able to switch back to any previous version of MariaDB or MySQL unless you have a proper database dump. Therefore, before upgrading, please make backups of all important databases with an appropriate tool such as mysqldump.

Lubos Rendek Mod -> jabowery

Excellent point!!! The article will be updated shortlyā€¦Thank you

Numero Fb-account

# cat /etc/debian_version



What do you do with the obsolete packages? Autoremove wonā€™t delete them, so should they be deleted manually?


I got this error message instead of upgrading:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:

kdepimlibs-kio-plugins : Breaks: kdepimlibs-data but 4:16.04.2-2 is to be installed

libakonadi-kde4 : Breaks: kdepimlibs-data but 4:16.04.2-2 is to be installed

libakonadi-kmime4 : Breaks: kdepimlibs-data but 4:16.04.2-2 is to be installed

libkabc4 : Breaks: kdepimlibs-data but 4:16.04.2-2 is to be installed

libkcal4 : Breaks: kdepimlibs-data but 4:16.04.2-2 is to be installed

libkholidays4 : Breaks: kdepimlibs-data but 4:16.04.2-2 is to be installed

libkresources4 : Breaks: kdepimlibs-data but 4:16.04.2-2 is to be installed

libmailtransport4 : Breaks: kdepimlibs-data but 4:16.04.2-2 is to be installed

paul ->nekotx

Same here. Could you solve it?

paul -> paul

Okay, I got it by using apt-get instead of apt

Lubos Rendek Mod -> paul

Hi Paul, thanks for this. Article updated.


Might want to adjust your display contrast, itā€™s find on my monitor.

Vielen Dank aus German

Ging super gut schnell und ohne fehler ā€œdas Updateā€

Vielen, vielen dank

Is there any way to fully upgrade to debian 9 in offline instances?

Thank you

Thanks for the concise and useful guide!

I am a new user of Debian/Linux and am trying to upgrade from Jessie to Stretch. I followed your instructions as best I could but nothing happened. I reviewed every system response I got as I executed your instructions and noticed a different response when I executed ā€œapt list --upgradableā€. The response I got was ā€œListingā€¦ Doneā€ and nothing to be upgraded was shown. I assume I have done something wrong prior to this step.

I executed the ā€œsu -ā€ command so I am the root.


Everything seemed to go well unitil trying to reboot. Get bash and Jessie. Old-schoolā€“wipe and reinstall w/iso. Always worksā€¦ Bummer! I really liked it much better when synaptic would offer the distro upgrade. OK, Iā€™ll attempt this again w/o terminal and guiā€¦

Hi, thank you for this topic.
Iā€™ve upgraded from Jessie to Stretch with just one problem : only a terminal at the first reboot.
All went fine after : apt --fix-broken install, with root privileges of courseā€¦

PS : sorry for my English, Iā€™ll try to be anglo-saxon in my next life :slight_smile:

Very useful, thanks you :slight_smile: