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I have tried it now a few times, but it just does not work
removed tried again , but still not installing them.
its thing like this that always make me go back to safe , no big problems, bill gates windows
Hi Stefan1,
Welcome to our forums.
Please provide us with any error messages you get during install, so that we can help you more solving your issue.
Going back to “safe” Windows, well that’s not something I would like to do ever
Hi and thank you for taking time to answer, and I do apologize for being vague and not submitting all data to start with, but it just bugs the **** when things don’t want to work sometimes, and i had been going at it for a while before writing here, so I was well up in the roof
Anyway a solution was found!
Following your guide I just could not get the fonts to show in either the font browser or open office
It seemed to install fine, no errors, and i removed and installed again a few times before giving up, called my brother and he showed me another way instead that worked
sudo mkdir ~/ms-fonts/
cd ms-fonts
sudo wget ***
sudo tar -xzf webfonts.tar.gz
cd msfonts
sudo apt install cabextract
sudo cabextract *.exe
sudo cp *.ttf *.TTF ~/.local/share/fonts/
sudo fc-cache -vr
Anyway its working now and I am a happy camper at the moment As I am all new to this I cannot say why or how, but as long as it works…
Thanks Stephan1!!
I was facing the same difficulty… with the same thought of going back to Windows… until I tried the list of commands you give here… and it worked…
so, Thanks again!!
Thanks for the article!
I run
sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
and got an error
Get:1 [646 kB]
Fetched 646 kB in 6s (99.6 kB/s)
ttf-mscorefonts-installer: downloading
Redirection from https to '' is forbidden [IP: 443]
E: Failed to fetch fonts/final/geor
gi32.exe Redirection from https to '' is forbidden [IP: 443]
E: Download Failed
I assume this is a problem at Sourceforge. I’m right?
Hi Charger,
Welcome to our forums.
You issue seems to be related to a bad redirection, namely there is a space between “the” and “fonts”, resulting in an invalid URL. Escaping that space with a HTTP escape code seems to work for me:
But this is miss-configuration of the Sourceforge redirection.
Can you advise, where is a right place to submit an issue?
I suppose you should report it to the project’s owner at souceforge, because the redirect is set there. If you open the project page, and follow the link after “Brought to you by”, you’ll be able to send a message to the owner/maintainer.
Thankyou sir, I installed on ubuntu 20.04 and no error Installed successfully
sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer