Install VirtualBox Guest Additions on openSUSE -

If you're running openSUSE inside a VirtualBox virtual machine, installing the Guest Additions software will help you get the most out of the system. VirtualBox Guest Additions will give the machine more capabilities, such as a shared clipboard with the host system, drag and drop file transfer, and automatic window resizing.

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thank you so much for this post!
I’m just now learning how to use VirtualBox and before creating a openSUSE guest OS on it. I had created a Xubuntu guest OS first. Adding the guest additions was just a matter of running sudo ./
I tried doing the same with openSUSE and that was a ‘no go’ :stuck_out_tongue:
I didn’t realize that different OS’s will have different steps in order to add Guest Additions.

Thank you again for clear and straightforward steps! :bowing_man: