Install Wordpress on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Linux -

The objective is to install WordPress on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Linux. Let's start by prerequisites. For the WordPress installation we will need curl, unzip and tasksel command. The following linux command will install all three:
$ sudo apt install -y curl unzip tasksel

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Silviu Cristian

Ok.Thx for hellp. I replace in my browser http://wordpress-ubuntu with localhost and i finished my wordpress instalation. Great site very useful . I install popcorntime virttuabox and lutrix . I foolow your tutorials.

Silviu Cristian


i can’t install Wordpress

when type in my browser http://wordpress-ubuntu
nothing happen

Lubos Rendek Mod -> Silviu Cristian

Hi Silvu,

Please provide more information.

Excellent guide, Thank you. Just one point to add…:

“… WordPress server can be resolved via … wordpress-ubuntu”

WP resolves by default on most systems to localhost!

Thank you


To start config type this: