Introduction to Ebay API with python: The Finding API - Part 2 -

In the previous article we saw how to perform the preliminary steps to prepare our working environment, create an Ebay developer and a sandbox account and generate the keys and credentials needed to execute API calls. In this new chapter we will create our first request and perform our first call focusing on the "Finding API"

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hi - thanks very much for the articles on using eBay APIs which are very useful for newbies like me. When I tried to run the api.execute to get results for request however, it returned the following

ConnectionError: ‘findItemsByKeywords: Internal Server Error, Domain: Security, Severity: Error, errorId: 11002, Authentication failed : Invalid Application: [my AppID]’

I have already put in my AppID and token etc. in the yaml and I’m not sure what’s not working here… Would really appreciate your thoughts. Many thanks!


Are you sure you are using the AppID for the correct environment (sandbox vs production)?