Introduction to named pipes on Bash shell -

On Linux and Unix-based operating systems, pipes are very useful since they are a simple way to achieve IPC (inter-process communication). When we connect two processes in a pipeline, the output of the first one is used as the input of the second one. To build a so called “anonymous” pipe, all we have to do is to use the | operator. Anonymous, or unnamed pipes last just as long as the processes they connect. There is, however, another type of pipe we can use: a FIFO, or named pipe. In this article we will see how named pipes work and in what they are different from the standard pipes.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Just an FYI to the author of this article. I noticed the second section titled “A quick remainder of how pipes work”. I believe you were trying to say; “A quick reminder of how pipes work”.

If I am wrong, I apologize.

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