"Unexpected end of string, quotes are not balanced"; alias command broken; fish shell; config.fish error on Ubuntu noble 24.04 x86_64

Yesterday i added two new aliases (the last one is the problem in the file i’ll paste here) in my config file and now its quite broken. My config.fish looks like this (for clarity i used * to mark the start and end of the file, these are not present on the file):

function fish_greeting
echo “May your heart be free of sin - Soledad”
date +“Hora:%T Dia(356):%j Data:%d-%m-%Y”

alias .=‘cd …’
alias link=‘ln -sT’
alias ff=‘fastfetch’
alias echo=‘echo -e’
alias y=‘sudo yt-dlp -x’
alias j=‘sudo jarvis’
alias ll=‘ls -gloGAhF’
alias up=‘sudo bash /home/artur/Desktop/ubuntu-update.sh’
alias baixar=‘sudo apt install -y’
alias dat=/home/artur/Desktop/testededigitacion/toipe
alias agr=‘date +Hora:%T Dia(356):%j Data:%d-%m-%Y’

if status is-interactive
# Commands to run in interactive sessions can go here

The error i’ve been dealing with is:

~/.config/fish/config.fish (line 17): Unexpected end of string, quotes are not balanced
alias agr=‘date +Hora:%T Dia(356):%j Data:%d-%m-%Y’
from sourcing file ~/.config/fish/config.fish
called during startup
source: Error while reading file ‘/home/artur/.config/fish/config.fish’


It appears that you are using wrong quotation marks. Note the difference:
The second last has wrong notation. Try to change with '. Straight single quote ('): ASCII code 39

hope this helps
