Fedora - Missing /etc/syslog.conf a syslog configuration file

Transfered from Linux Config Disqus comments:


Hi, the book I’m reading makes a reference to /etc/syslog.conf as a syslog configuration file. I’m trying to locate it on my Fedora 14 Linux system and it appears that I do not have one. What is the location I need to look in to find this conf file.


Fedora Linux does not include syslog with a default installation. You are more likely to have rsyslog installed on your system with /etc/rsyslog.conf as a configuration file. To confirm this run a rpm command to list all installed packages and pipe output to grep to search for syslog:

$ rpm -qa | grep syslog

Once you have learned what version of syslog you have installed on your Linux system list all files contained in that package to search for configuration file:

$ rpm -ql packagename | grep '\.conf'

So, if you have rsyslog package installed, use the following command to search for configuration file:

$ rpm -ql rsyslog | grep '\.conf'

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