How to check CentOS version -

There are several ways on how to check what version of CentOS is running on your system. Below you can find multiple examples on how to determine CentOS version. However, depending on your system not all examples may be applicable.
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balaji v s


this is balaji v, am using centos 7 from last two months.Recently I have tried to install python-pip,awscli,docker in my machine with the help of below commands.

# yum update
# yum install python-pip
# yum install awscli
# yum install docker

but none of the packages installed in my machine.but,the result is

no packages python-pip availible
no package update
no package aws cli

In case do you know how to solve this please share solution.Is there any video link please share me.

Muhammad Februriyanto → balaji v s

maybe you should check the centos-base.repo, epel.repo, etc.

#additional packages that may be useful
name=CentOS-$releasever - Extras

Hi i have not used Centos as i have been using Mint. But i came across a great command for finding important info on your system. I hope the following works on Centos:
$ inxi -Fxz
I hope the output gives you the info you require.
Kind regards 3os.