How to clone a Linux system - Linux Tutorials - Learn Linux Configuration

Making a clone of your Linux system is a great way to make a complete backup. This type of backup would preserve all your system and personal files, as well as any customizations and settings that you have applied to your operating system over time (assuming everything is on one hard drive). Cloning and restoring a Linux system is relatively easy, since Linux will not encounter errors if you clone it onto different hardware – at worst, you may have a few hiccups, such as the need to uninstall and install necessary drivers.

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“If you do not wish to install extra software, and can clone your Linux system directly to another hard drive or solid state drive, the dd command is the recommended method for you to follow below. If you prefer to make a clone file of your installation, then the Partimage or Clonezilla options would be your best route.”

Not really as it is quite simple to clone to a file with dd.

dd if=/dev/INPUT/DEVICE-NAME-HERE conv=sync,noerror bs=64K | gzip -c > /path/to/my-disk.image.gz

You will have to boot from a CD or Usb Drive if you want to clone your system as you will not be able to clone an active drive this way.

note that the 'nix pipe line is a key feature in 'nix type systems. It was designed that way :grinning:

how to clone linux system partition?
my 1T ssd has install linux and windows. How do i clone my linux system only to my 500gb ssd?