How to install Wordpress on RHEL 8 Linux -

This article covers an installation of WordPress, free and open-source content management system, on RHEL 8 Linux Server. In this instance the installation is based on the well-know LAMP stack comprising the RHEL 8, MariaDB, PHP and Apache webserver.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Excellent article, thanks! On a clean CentOS 8 server install I received the “fatal error” message when connecting to Wordpress. The logfile: /var/log/php-fpm/www-error.log had the error message:“undefined function json_encode()”. I installed php-jason and all was good.

Hi Cwist,

Welcome to our forums.

To get closer to the issue: does your phpinfo() prints that you have JSON support?

I do now. As I mentioned in my post, everything worked once I installed php-jason. I was posting so others would know it was required on a clean install of CentOS 8 since it was not included in step 1. That is,

dnf install php-mysqlnd php-fpm mariadb-server httpd tar curl

should be

dnf install php-mysqlnd php-fpm mariadb-server httpd tar curl php-jason

Additionally php-json is required.

Thank you. Article updated.

Great Article.

Quick question, after following your instructions, On my Centos8 fresh install, I get on my wordpress’s site help report the following error :
Your site is unable to reach WordPress at, and returned the error: cURL error 7:

Doble checked and the server has full internet access, wordpress is accesible via traceroute.
Could you help me with this?

Hi Aradain,

Welcome to our forums.

You issue could be many things from proxy to firewall, or maybe local settings. Can you telnet to the remote host’s public 443/TCP port (if that’s what you try to reach)?

Nevermind I actually solved using

setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1



+1 Aradain

I was able to access my site however all front-end themes, updates, plugins etc gave fatal errors all of which pointed to SELinux