List of QR code generators on Linux - Linux Tutorials - Learn Linux Configuration

Quick response (QR) codes have surged in popularity over the last few years. They are an efficient way to share websites, wireless logins, app downloads, or even rewards programs at restaurants, and other things. You may have a use for them on a Linux system if you want to generate your own QR code as a quick way to share one of the previous examples or some other kind of information. To make your own QR code, you will need to download a QR code generator. In this tutorial, we have compiled a list of our favorite QR code generators for Linux. Check out our picks below to find one that suits you best.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

QR image or logo feature is unavailable on all of these Linux suggestions. Would be a useful feature to have, by inserting an image or logo in the centre of the QR code.

There is unfortunately a common misunderstanding of how QR codes work. When you see QR codes with a gap in the middle for an image it has not been “inserted” but rather it has been placed over the top of the QR code, obscuring part of the code and therefore hiding some of the data. The QR code often still works thanks to the foresight of the original designers of the standard who wanted the symbols to still be usable even if the symbols get damaged or misprinted, so added error correction mechanisms that make this possible. I suspect most Linux developers are aware of the “Unix philosophy” and, like me, see “creating QR codes” and “merging two images” as distinct tasks.