how do I raise the power usage or ideally replace the PP table with the one I use in Windows?
thank you so much for those who contributed, I can now monitor gpu and overclock vega core and memory in Ubuntu 18.04 Kernel 4.17
In the howto above you sudo echo “blah” > /path/to/file
this wont work. As root your are echo’ing to a file as your login creds. You will get permission denied. In order to do this with sudo you have to use something like tee. You can also use here docs.
like this would overwrite the contents of the file (in /sys it doesn’t matter which you use, i almost always use “-a” because it is a safer habit to be in):
echo "blah" | sudo tee /path/to/file
or like this would append to the file: (* this is a safer habit to be in *)
echo "blah" | sudo tee -a /path/to/file