Sync Google Drive on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa Gnome Desktop -

The objective is to seamlessly provide access to Google Drive on Ubuntu 20.04.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Will this method sync Google Drive files to a local harddrive? (Like how google’s backup and sync program operates)

Or does this method only display files that are stored on Google Drive servers and require a constant internet connection?

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The second one.
That’s the BIG problem.
It requires constant connection and it is VERY slow.
Sorry, but it doesn’t work at all.
The gnome team should invest in a real syncronization.

Shared, Sync and Network folder not accessible…
Ubuntu 20.14.2 LTS

I use the built in connectivity to google and it works. But… Many programs will not use it. I cannot access data on the sync folder without first making a copy out to a Ubuntu managed directory first. Many programs will not even show the sync folder as an accessible location, and others will give errors when trying to launch from or save too. I encounter similar errors when trying to save or launch to any shared folder including local network folders.

It’s great to have this function and it’s a serious step forward but its a half way mark. I need to be able to lunch and save to the shared directory without extra steps. Otherwise I might as well just keep using the web browser to save data and retrieve it.