Uninstall Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

I have installed Adobe Acrobat Reader DC from the following link

And If i open multiple files and want to close i get the as

1] How do i get the proper one…??

2] How can i uninstall this Adobe Acrobat Reader DC…?? There is no option give if i want to uninstall it.

3] I have also installed Adobe Acrobat Reader
But I am unable to set this Adobe Reader 9.0 as the default one to open .pdf files…

How to solve these three issues…??

Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
Thank you.


1.& 3.

The general rule here simply goes like this: “If you do not have to, and have alternatives, then do NOT use Adobe Reader”. There a many Linux native PDF alternatives available for example:

  • Okular : Installation ($ sudo apt install okular )
  • Evince: Installation ($ sudo apt install evince )
  • XPDF: Installation ($ sudo apt install xpdf )

The entire point of using GNU/Linux is to move away from proprietary software wherever possible. This should answer 1,3.

To uninstall software which was installed using wine tray open up your terminal and execute:
$ wine uninstaller

Hope this helps
